
À Propos De Piilz

Un Probléme De Santé Publique

La iatrogenie médicamenteuse

La création de Piilz est née d’une expérience personnelle vécue par son fondateur, Safir Hanafi.

Après avoir vu son père diabétique perdre la vue en raison d’une mauvaise gestion de ses médicaments

Safir a décidé d’agir pour éviter que d’autres ne subissent le même sort. Il a ainsi conçu Piilz, un pilulier intelligent et connecté, qui assure un suivi à distance, alerte un proche en cas d’oubli et garantit une surveillance continue, permettant à chacun de prendre soin de sa santé en toute sérénité.

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Nos Valeurs

Notre Vision

Our vision at Piilz is to actively combat poor medication intake, a problem that affects the health and quality of life of
many patients. We want to offer patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals real relief by making  medication management simpler and more reliable. Thanks to remote monitoring, our smart pill dispenser allows everyone to live with peace of mind, knowing that medication intake is constantly monitored. This device thus contributes to increasing safety and lightening the daily burden of those who care for people with specific medical needs.

Empowering patients and families to better manage their health by providing innovative, reliable and easy-to-use solutions that promote adherence, safety and peace
of mind.

Our vision is to provide a revolutionary solution in
the healthcare field, allowing older people to maintain their independence and stay at home safely . We aspire to offer innovative tools that
promote autonomy and peace of mind. for users,
their loved ones and healthcare professionals.

At Piilz, we believe in innovation to transform health management and improve users' daily lives, with kindness and reliability at the heart of our actions. Our solutions are designed to be accessible and easy to use, allowing everyone, especially the elderly, to preserve their autonomy while offering security and peace of mind to their loved ones. We are
committed with responsibility to meet the real needs of our users, by listening to them to
constantly improve our services and promote their
independence in managing their health.

Besoin d'un soutien personnalisé en matière de santé ? Appelez-nous dès maintenant pour une consultation gratuite !

Parlez à nos experts en santé dès aujourd’hui et faites le premier pas vers un avenir plus sain.

Un Rapport De Santé Accessible En Temps Réel

Rapport de santé et Suivi à Distance

With the Piilz pillbox, you benefit from a shared health report that provides an overview of your medication adherence. This report allows users to track their medication intake in real time, recording doses taken and those missed. The shared health report is a valuable tool to improve your medication management and strengthen collaboration between you and your caregivers, while providing you with additional peace of mind.

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Rapport De Santé

Partagez votre rapport en temps
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Commencez Aujourd'hui Avec Piilz

Take control of your health journey with Piilz, your trusted and intelligent
medication management partner. Experience simplicity, stay connected and trust Piilz for a
healthier future.